
How to create an app as a non-technical user?

ByRajesh Bhatia
September 9th . 5 min read
Create App as a Non Technical User

Are you looking for a non-technical entrepreneur’s guide for making applications and software?

If yes, you have landed on the correct page. The app industry is lucrative, and if you have a promising idea in mind, then, the subsequent thing you would like to try and do is, develop an app.

But HOW? Especially if you don’t have a technical background, nor do you understand the programming jargon!


Well, allow us to first state the fact that not necessarily every Startup Entrepreneur would be a developer/programmer. It’s not an enormous deal if you’re a novice within the field and still wish to make an app as a non-technical person. In this blog, we’ve discussed step by step how you’ll be able to develop an application that gains maximum traction from the target market whether or not you are doing not know the way to code.

Steve Jobs didn’t understand how to code, but he understood the fundamentals of programming languages clearly enough to guide his team of developers. This can just be an example to motivate you, so you’ll take the initiative of building your app.

We understand that it can become extremely difficult to place an app idea to life without having any prior knowledge about the technology. Start gathering knowledge and that’s exactly what the below-mentioned non-technical entrepreneurs did.

  • Rob Rawson, the founding father of was a medical doctor;
  • Jessica Scorpia, the founding father of Getaround, holds an academic degree in political science.
  • Tim Westergren, the founding father of Pandora, was an award-winning composer and musician.
  • Jack Ma, the founding father of Alibaba possesses a MA degree in English. We hope these names inspire you to start building a mobile app with no tech skills and convey your revolutionary idea to the market. We’ve crafted detailed instructions to maneuver ahead within the industry. Just keep reading…

How to develop an app as a non-technical person?

Find out about technology first

Do not make this naive mistake of jumping into coding.

No! You would like to slowly and gradually move ahead. Learning the way to code may come next within the sequence, but first, understand the varied technologies available within the market.

The reason is, that you’d not be the one who goes to jot down the long piece of code. But, you’re visiting to hire developers who have enough experience in building apps. Hence, you would like to speculate it slow in knowing various technologies, back-end, and side technologies and therefore the ways you’ll develop a fascinating app.

Learn to Code

As mentioned earlier, learning a way to code is your next step within the process. The 2 primary reasons why you must be learning coding are that it’s easy to find out, and second, you’ve got enough free resources where you’ll start.

No doubt, the method of learning an artificial language is time-consuming, but it parades your gate to becoming a successful entrepreneur. It helps you in solving complex problems and offers you a more robust understanding of the app functions.

There is no shortcut to becoming a developer, you would like to speculate your valuable time. There are lots of sites where you’ll be able to learn to code.

Check them out — Code Academy, Khan Academy, Code School, EdX. You’ll also confer with some coding books available online.

Seek advice before you hire a team

The right developer makes things right. you’ll not blame the entire team of developers for delivering the project wrongly. Because YOU hired them! Hence, the hiring of developers plays an awfully crucial role when making a decision on the standard of your project.

Therefore, you would like to see every single detail of the initial team you hire. You’ll connect with the correct people over platforms and seek assistance/ recommendations from a technical person. Further, once you shortlist them, you’ll ask them to settle on the remaining team while you manage other important tasks. Suggestions from a known person facilitate your better in building a development team.

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Find a technology development partner

This is an option for those that don’t wish to take a position time in building up their own team. The 2 options available are hiring freelancers or partnering up with a software development company.

This would be a costly affair, but ensure that you just are investing within the right set of developers. Before partnering, get recommendations, check upon their experience and skill set, and ask them their development price then seals the deal.

Needless to mention, the event partner should facilitate yours in building scalable and robust applications. Hence, check on the standard of labor they delivered in the past. Do not accept lower prices at the risk of lower quality. Understand their country and culture and determine if you’ll have partner chemistry with them. You would like someone who would manage your projects rather than what you are doing and fulfill all of your project’s needs to be stated within the functional Vs. non-functional requirements document.

Build a prototype

Creating an application as a non-technical founder isn’t really a straightforward job. You have inspiration in mind, but it’s difficult to elucidate the concept intimately. Prototyping of the app idea, allows you to bring everyone together on an identical page. It becomes a lot easier for you to clarify the features and also expectations to the team members and partners.

Prototyping also allows you to test the appliance concept’s success chances by pitching it to potential clients. It’s a roadmap that guides you with the event process further. You have got options like InVision, LucidChart, AdobeXD, Proto, and Balsamiq tools that allow you to make a prototype at an economical price.

Use an app builder

Drag and Drop look fancy because you are not should write heavy lines of code. There are many tools out there that may facilitate your finding the answer for your app idea. For the later part of development, you may have to hire a development team that will handle the project complexity.

The options you have got for app development are:

The only drawback of using these app builders is, that you’ll be able to not customize the app features as per your requirements. This ultimately results in a poor UI/UX experience.

Use app development tools

There are actually many tools available that may really get your head spun. You’ll be able to connect with founders and technical persons to induce tool suggestions to create a tech startup as a non-technical person.

The app development tools that will assist you within the process are Framework 7, Ionic, JQuery Mobile, Mobile Angular AI, Xamarin, Mag+, Xojo, Corona Labs, Unity, WordPress, GameSalad, Appcelerator, Sencha Touch, and plenty more.

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Don’t micromanage the technical things

You have shared the app idea, got a team to make it, prototype it, and now let the team do their jobs. As a non-technical person, you may overcompensate the event process.

But, No! you’re not a professional in developing an app, the team is. Hence, allow them to showcase their expertise in app development. Never attempt to micromanage or give instructions on every single step.

Be active, keep the team engaged and active, but allow them to do their part of the work. Target the world where you’ve got the mastery, maybe running the marketing research or researching valuable insights. Concentrate on how you’ll make your business model more valuable.

Network with the correct people

There is plenty that you simply can contribute to your business by networking. As a non-technical person, you wish to seek out the proper ones that would buy your project idea. It can make a large difference if you channel a robust marketing strategy.

You have a radical understanding of your product, and your next job is to suggest the merchandise to those in need. There’s no skill set required to become a sound entrepreneur. All you would like to try to do is maximize every opportunity coming your way.


The idea to create an application is rarely too small. We hope this blog has helped you in ways in which you are feeling motivated to make a mobile app while being a non-technical person.

For any more assistance or need for technical expertise, feel free to contact Habilelabs.

Thank you for reading.

Happy Learning!
